Are Solar Panels Worth The Investment?

Solar energy has become a huge part of the conversation for many homeowners. As gas prices rise, many are curious about the benefits of using this energy. More specifically, is it worth the money it takes to install it?

There are various reasons to consider solar panels, but factors would prevent you from making this investment. Come with us as we will assist you in determining whether or not you’ll benefit from installing a solar system and the variables that can affect this decision.

The Location Of Your Home

Before looking at the price, focus on where your home is located. If you live in an area that doesn’t get enough sun exposure, you won’t generate enough energy. In contrast, a location that receives a lot of sun exposure throughout the year will work wonderfully.

As you can imagine, Texas, Florida, and Arizona are regions that do the best with solar technology. Some states that don’t do quite as well are North Dakota, Alaska, and Kentucky.

So before you purchase solar panels, find out if your state has enough sunlight. And if it does, make sure where you place it will be in an area that will receive direct sunlight. Roofs that face south and west will produce the most energy.

Type Of Roofing

The design of your roof needs to be considered because some layouts will not produce energy as efficiently. Some aspects affecting it are skylights, chimneys, and other objects. So before you make plans to install panels, have those items removed or place them around them.

The ideal roof will be around 30 to 45 degrees, as the steeper it is, the more issues can arise regarding installation and maintenance.

Depending on the size of your roof, you may be forced to purchase smaller panels that generate more energy. This could be a problem, as those units tend to be higher in price than larger ones.

Finding The Budget

Here’s the downside of solar panels…the price. This is arguably why so many homeowners haven’t made the switch—Additionally, the maintenance and the other cost of equipment, like solar batteries.

The price of units will vary from brand to brand. However, on average, it can cost between $20,000 to $40,000 for the equipment and installation. This pricing is for a 2000 sq. ft. home, so if you have a larger structure or are hoping to have energy for other buildings, it will cost more money.


There is nothing abnormal about doing yearly maintenance on your equipment. But with solar systems, it requires knowing the technology you’re using. For example, if a bad winter or rainstorm comes through, there’s potential for damage to occur. And if you don’t know how to fix it, you could be out of power.

Research the system you will use and ask as many questions about standard maintenance that can occur over time. The installers should be able to answer each question, and if they don’t know, reach out to the manufacturer.